Sigourney Weaver eating a hotdog in Los Angeles, 1983. Source: Unknown
My baby
America is in a mess
A mustard ketchup hoagie relish mixed up mess
Chopped up onions coming out the man's eyes
The man is made of hot dog
If you fork his little hands does not a little bit of orange steam toot out from his dense matter?
It is thankless sometimes.
This life, it is so odd
did it ever
get to be?
You work so hard
You do so much
and then you turn around and
and then you turn around and
Just eat a hot dog, baby.
Believe in yourself and swear it's the scintillating flesh of an ocelot
that you killed with your bare hands
in a land where labours of love
labor for sparkling wine
with the sparkle of champagne
bubble up buttercup
you've earned it
it's a hot dog, baby.
I love you.