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Welcome, #DemConvention! Let's Play #DNC2016Bingo!

Welcome, #DemConvention! Let's Play #DNC2016Bingo!

As we speak, the 2016 DNC is already well underway, with all hell breaking loose all over the convention floor and plenty of other places, too. Truly, we live in interesting times. But lest the whole thing get you down, we offer a diversion: In an environment where anything can happen, sometimes you gotta just take it all at face value, for life is but a grand game. No? Yeah, that sounded like bullshit even as I was typing it. Even so, we'd like for Philadelphians and visitors alike to make the best of this historic time. And that is the spirit in which we offer #DNC2016BINGO to you today. In the spirit of ye olde Hipster Bingo, this real-world bingo game is simple: X out these things as you see them occur this week. Win by a combination of watchfulness and luck! As the day goes on, we are actually seeing a few different paths to victory for the lucky player here. So enjoy, play in good health, and as Jerry Springer used to say, be good to one another.

As Convention Rolls On, Philadelphians Fight Back Against The Election's True Enemy: National Media

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