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#OpenStreetsPHL Launches Explainer Video & Crowdfunding Campaign

Begat in the wake of what was perhaps the best thing to come out of the Pope's visit to Philadelphia last fall — Philly streets free of cars and filled with oddly happy people on bike and and on foot  — #OpenStreetsPHL is coming closer with each passing week to being a real thing that happens here. The bonus is that next time, it will come without a price tag in the millions for the city like the papal visit did, but the organizers behind Open Streets will still need some money to get going. To that end, they've launched this crowdfunding campaign via Generosity along with the above video so that you can explain to your mom (or City Councilperson) just what all of this is about. The campaign's goal of $10K is a modest one, given everything that is going into this effort. If you're curious, do give a look.