I'm getting a very Kinetic Sculpture Derby by way of post-hangover Pizza Brain visit vibe from Lucien Shapiro, whose Fear Collecting Rituals Tour comes to Fishtown's Convent gallery (a former church that was constructed on E. Berks Street back in 1924) on May 14th. Perhaps the space's sacred past is an inspired venue to host such a multimedia mix of film screening of Shapiro's short, The ANALECT Rituals, a performance that includes his own elaborately designed shamanistic masks and props, and EST seminar claiming to be an "interactive opportunity to discover that the light we seek simply exists within ourselves." Seeing how one of the rituals that audiences can participate in ia "Fear Is the Mind Killer" confrontation of one's deepest phobias that has its ideology borrowed from Dune, the endurance of any lasting epiphanies is questionable. My advice is just to walk without rhythm to avoid the worm of dubious new age showmanship and you'll probably have a pretty chill time.
Tickets for Lucien Shapiro's Fear Collecting Rituals Tour are available here.