Steal every bicycle in the world
Drive em all straight off a cliff
Make a pile so high
To Poseidon's left thigh
A sculpture to the ones who never cared
Steal every bicycle in the world
Ride em straight into the sea
Till each one is rusted
A spider web husk
Even sharks will have heard of you
Steal every bicycle in the world
Ride em to the door of Fred's mom's house
When your enemy's mother
Is so very lovely does
It bother you she looks like him?
Steal every bicycle in the world
Give each to a tattoo artist
That way they'll all owe
You some skin art to show
You're covered in endless generosity
Steal every bicycle in the world
Steal every bicycle in the world
Steal every bicycle in the world
Steal every bicycle in the world
Steal every bicycle in the world
Steal every bicycle in the world
Steal every bicycle in the world
And with them all build up a cage
Weld them together
And tie them with leather
They'll never contain all your rage
Steal every bicycle in the world
You pasty white sad motherfucker
No one can get anywhere
It shows that you'll never care
Laughing madly into the two wheeled distance
Shawn Kilroy is a musician/filmmaker/writer living in Philadelphia. His new album is All Pinocchio's Men.
Photo: Rachel Wescott